Collin came a tad before the official opening time; that's because I invited him in. No sense having him wait in his van. He wanted to be the first customer in our shop and he was! Do you know what he bought? The Church Lady Apron pattern by Mary's production. It's a cute pattern! He looked for the newest dollar bills to pay for his purchase. What a kind man!
In all fairness, his wife Nancy wanted to be the first customer in the shop, but she was called into work. So, she sent her husband and told him what to buy!
We had another friend, Cathy, who stopped by to encourage us. What a sweetheart Cathy is!
Kitty came in at the end of the day because of what she saw on my blog:
She was in town and had to stop by even though she had no time. It's that need to fondle fabric! lol She loves reproductions.
The day went by quickly!
Five minutes before closing, I get this phone call.
"Hello, I just noticed that you're a new entry in the phone book. Do you sell fabrics?" I'm thinking wow, this lady studies the phone book! So I answer her questions... blah, blah blah...
I close the shop and leave for the launching of Rouses Point's new web site and meet up with our landlord Jacquelyn and her friend Mary.
So here I am telling Jackie about how this lady phoned and noticed that I was a new entry in the phone book. I'm just baffled! She studies the phone book for new entries! Jackie on the other hand is wondering why she hadn't gotten her new phone book. So we're going on and Mary says something about how she read about JR's retirement in the telephone company's newsletter insert and perhaps that's where the lady found the info. So, I remembered that I had the shop's phone bill in my purse, pull it out and guess what? On the back of the small quarterly newsletter they list all the new listings. Living in a small town does have it's advantages.
I'm still laughing from this! I mean, I really thought this lady studied the phone book. Of course, I've never lived in a small town before. You'd never see that in Montreal, heck they'd have to publish a phone book every month! lol So, of course, I'm telling the story to Jennifer Saturday morning and I couldn't stop laughing! lol Still am...! lol
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!
Where is your shop? I've looked around this blog and it only says Upstate New York? I love all the beautiful wood things in your shop. Your DH is very talented. Congratulations on your opening.
Sounds like you had a wonderful day . . . . and a great story to tell for a long time to come *s*
Oh that is a great story! Sounds like a great first day of your new adventure :)
Enjoy your new adventure and much success. Nancy
Enjoy your new adventure and much success. Nancy
If that lady were so bored that she was reading the phone book you could have sold her fabrics and teach her to quilt, but I am glad for her sake that it wasn´t like that.
Sounds like you had a wonderful "opening day" and some funny stories to remember that special day. I look forward to hearing more about the store. Those reproductions are calling my name.
If I were in your area, I'd definitely be stopping by to not only fondle the fabric but to see you and your happy smiles. Best wishes with this new adventure!
Glad the opening day went so well and that the gentleman was kind enough to give you a shiny new bill to put on your wall.
So funny about the phone book lady...I would have been just the same as you and thought she'd read the book...I guess that's what we get for growing up in a big city like Montreal.
Oh if I were closer I'd have been there too! I'd love to see a picture of the outside of the shop now that it is opened. The woodwork your DH has done is absolutely fantastic!!
Congratulations on a great start!
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