We did receive some new fabrics.
We also received bolts from the Clara Barton (1820-1912)line of fabric.
Gosh, are those sweet repros?!
Just in case you're wondering what's on the other side of the shop....

You'd be surprised how often we hear customers comment on that old wash tub!
They love it! They start reminiscing about their childhoods! Memories!
I always enjoy listening to their stories.
It's quite the attraction in the shop!
I'm enjoying spilling over to the other side of the shop. Receiving new fabrics is always fun! Let's just say that we like our delivery person! ;o)
Thanks for stopping by! Cheers!
My grandparents had a washer like that. I remember going to their house on Tuesday mornings and wanting to help with the wash. I was fascinated with watching the clothes go through the wringer. The shop is coming along well.
Every comment will be the same...
My grandmother had a washer like that...I remember watching her use it with amazement....and hearing the warnings about the wringer!
I also remember this type of washing machine, not owned by a grandmother. It is nice to have it in the shop.
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