We met Cindy today and looked at all the new lines from Spring market. I must admit, I do enjoy it! However, I find it overwhelming at times.
Once we've gone through all the formalities, she starts with one textile company and Cindy lays everything down, line by line. Batiks and Moda's are separate from this pile.
So, you slowly weed things out. A pile of what you like and don't like. Sometimes you buy a line, at other times you buy bolts that work well together.
Moda alone is overwhelming. The table is full of new lines and you work your way through!
All are so delicious! It's difficult to stay within our number of bolt quota. What I mean by that is that I do not want to become an over crowded shoppe. I like things tidy! ;o)
It's important for me to choose fabric that work well with what we have while staying with our Shoppe theme. Jennifer is the contemporary gal, and I'm the repro and folk art gal. Despite our difference in style, we have very similar taste! Makes for a great purchasing team!
Thanks for stopping by! I do hope you enjoy my journey as a Shoppe owner!
Thanks for sharing how a shop owner buys fabric. How long did it take you to choose fabrics from all those samples?
Working together combined with your style differences will make for a wonderfully well-rounded shop *s*
Yes please go on letting us enjoy your journey as a Shoppe owner :) I love it.
Gosh, that would be difficult to choose which fabrics to carry. Just reading through your last few blogs impresses me how your shop is coming together so well. I have not doubt you are going to be a big success in the industry.
That looks so difficult to choose just a few fabrics, I'm with you, don't over crowd. What a fun job you have.
CArole, congrads on your shop. A piece of advice from a former shop owner. Moda will put you under literally. Tell your rep you only want 10 yard bolts. Other wise they will send you 25 yard bolts, its crazy! Good luck!
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