Last week I had a customer from blog land visit Fibre Junction. Denise, from the blog Denise (Noor) , who came all the way from Saudi Arabia, stopped by. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me! It's awful, but since I no longer study photography, I just don't remember to bring it with me. There was a time that I never left home without it! Anyway.... I'm digressing...!
It was wonderful to meet a fellow blogger. She came with her mom. We talked about other places she could shop hop in New York!
Thank you Denise for taking the time to stop by! It was great chatting with you!
On another note.....
I've already planned a quilt using those sweet holiday fabrics!
It's all so exciting at Fibre Junction! Fabrics that we ordered months ago are finally being shipped! Yahoo.....
Thanks for stopping by!
It was a long trip for Denise to visit your shop.
WOW I guess i had no idea you had this blog going on over here. Were you hiding from me?? And just what is wrong with the way I celebrate my birthdays??? lolol
I'm so happy for you and the shop Carole Your fabric choices are great. Dont you just love going thru that pile of Moda samples?? It's overwhelming to say the least. But fun.
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