So, I thought I'd give you another tour!

As you see, it has filled in quite a bit from our first pictures taken May 1, our opening day.

Stephen built the unit not too long ago. It is identical to the first one but much wider!
Yep, still with the oak from that one tree!

We've filled it with fabric care products! You'd be amazed at how pretty bubble wrap looks in a tub! lol
This old tub continues to be a conversation piece!
It seems to bring back lots of childhood memories! ;o)

The little hand embroidered pillow was made by my friend Wendy from Snippet of a Quilter. Our first sampler!
She also made a cute little cupcake pin cushion. If you look closely on the front counter, you will see it. My dd made one too! Wendy's is on the left! Oh... help yourself to some candy while you're checking out those cute pin cushions! Thanks again Wendy!

These shelves were empty when we first opened! My, how quickly they have begun to fill with batiks!

I just love that little giraffe! What a lucky find that was!
Notice Cottage Garden? Yep, quilted and hanging in the store!

I did want Stephen to make a thatch roof, but I guess I was asking for too much! lol
As you can see, we pretty much have the basic quilting necessity! It really is difficult to figure out what inventory you ought to have as a quilt shop!

The classroom is from the quilt on back!

That's located in entrance/main room towards the back!
Well, I hope you've enjoyed the tour! I do hope that when you'll stop by, you'll feel quite at home!
Please, sit and rest a bit in that rocking chair ... it is quite comfy!
Thank you for your visit!